Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crazy Baby Names Part Two

A very important event occurs this weekend--my brother's wedding. I'm super excited to have Lauren officially be my sister-in-law, and I'll definitely post more on that next week.

But, I thought I'd comment on one of my favorite topics--random baby names. Previously, I addressed why Harlow was not a great name for a little girl--Nicole Richie, I look at you. Today, I address Nicole Kidman and hubby Keith Urban, cause Sunday? That's a day of the week. Or, if spelled differently, a wonderful confection. But, it's certainly not a baby name. What are they going to call her for short. Sunnie? Sunny? Sunny Urban sounds like a condo complex. Day? Daye? Day Urban sounds like a type of subway pass. Sigh.

At least Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got it half right with Knox and Vivenne. Vivenne is actually a good name. Knox, well Knox isn't my favorite, if only because of the images of Fort Knox that dance in my head. It might work if they were Presbyterian, but I don't think they are. It also means round-top hill. Which means that Harlow and Knox will probably be a celebrity couple someday in the future after bonding over names that have to do with landscape features.

Whatever the case may be, babies are always a reason for rejoicing. As is a new X-Files movie. Stay tuned for wedding pics and more on the new X-Files movie!

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